finally i got what i want in my life..
already finish my study n got that scroll..
even it not a gud result.. but i still 2nd class degree(upper) hehhe
syukur la daripada dapat 3rd class.. x mau
Airmata yg mengalir dari mata papa n mama ku membuatku rase bangga dapat memberi kejayaan pada mereka berdua....
mama n papa all thing i do is just for both of u... from diploma until i got a degree.. both of u is my inspiration n also my strength... finally i can see it.. melihat airmate kegembiraan dari papa n mama.. luv u so much papa n mama
now my new target is.... do my master,, find more income to
pay master fee...
tapi ndak tau mau pilih maner.. USM or UiTM di haTiku.. huahua..
Poning den ni ha...